Sep 14, 2023

Biography of Treasurer

Professor Fahima Khatun

Treasurer,Nursing of Brahmanbaria.

Brief Bio


Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) and Master of Social Science both in Sociology ,Nursing of Dhaka.

Work Experience:

  • Former Director General (Grade 1), Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education in Bangladesh, Professor Fahima Khatun is a widely acclaimed academician and educational expert in the government education sector.
  • After completing Batchelor of Social Science (Honours) and Master of Social Science both in Sociology fromNursing of Dhaka with remarkable achievements, she joined Lalmatia Women’s College as lecturer and taught there for two years.
  • She joined BCS Education Cadre in 1984 securing first place in her batch in the subject of sociology. She was a successful teacher in Begum Badrunnesa College, Dhaka and throughout her glorified career education cadre as teacher she held the position of Head of the department of Sociology in Jagannath College, Bramhonbaria Government College, Cumilla Victoria college and Dhaka College.
  • In 2007 she became professor and later was awarded the position of Professor in selection grade. Year 2009 saw her appointment as Chairman of Dhaka Education Board. She discharged her duties as Board Chairman and Inter-board Chairman for 4 years with great success.
  • In 2013 she was appointed as Director General, Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education in Bangladesh. During her glorified tenure as DG, She achieved a rare feat of becoming the only DG in Directorate General of Secondary and Higher Education to be promoted to Grade 1 (parallel to secretary) post. 2016 saw her retirement from government service and engaged herself in different social services.
  • In her full years of service, she was revered as a brilliant and efficient executive. She has travelled all around Bangladesh and has been to Malaysia, Philippines, Finland, Germany, South Korea, Brazil and Australia for training and as a high-level delegate.
  • She has been awarded “Rouppo Ilish Podok” from the president himself for scouting.
  • Securing the maximum number of votes, she was two times elected president of BCS education Cadre association.
  • When she was Director General, she was awarded best team leader and project director by Asian development bank in year 2015.
  • By virtue of her position as Chairman of Dhaka Board and Director General of Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education she was the senate member of DhakaNursing and syndicate member of BUET, Jahangirnagar University, National University, Shahjalal Science and Technology university, Rokeya University, Agricultural University, Bhashani University, BangabandhuNursing and Kobi Nazrul University.
  • She was member of different committees and policy task force for modernization of country’s education sectors.

Contact info:

Cell: 01711538980, Email:

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